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anupama written update
Entertainment News

Anupama written update 1st July

Anuj waits eagerly for Anupama’s arrival. Pakhi and Adhik enter first. Anuj inquires if Anu hasn’t come yet. Pakhi informs him that Anupama is on her way and they came ahead to welcome her. Meanwhile, at Shah house, Leela asks Dimpy to clean Kavya’s room while Kinjal puts Pari to sleep. Dimpy murmurs her dissatisfaction but reluctantly goes to clean Kavya’s room. Vanraj expresses his concern to Samar about Maaya causing trouble and suggests that Samar should go to the Kapadia house. Leela agrees, and Kinjal worries about Maaya attacking Anupama again. Samar assures them that Anuj will handle Maaya, but Vanraj expresses his distrust towards Maaya and his desire to protect Anupama.

Ankush shows Anuj an important file and playfully remarks that his wait is almost over. Anuj, feeling a mix of excitement and anxiety, asks Ankush to keep the file safe. rewrite this line. Maaya, when alone, checks the file and becomes shocked by its contents. She angrily questions why Anupama is being given so much importance. Pakhi expresses her gratitude to Adhik for behaving normally during the farewell party at Shah house. Adhik admits that his brothers understood he wasn’t himself. Pakhi then requests him to maintain normal behavior during the farewell party at the Kapadia house and asks permission to check the company accounts. Adhik’s anger surges, as he accuses Pakhi of harboring suspicions about him committing fraud, and forcefully twists her hand, causing her pain. Pakhi pleads for him to release her as it hurts, but Adhik warns her to stay away from his work and storms off. Barkha witnesses the incident and scolds Adhik for his physical abuse, warning him that he could end up in jail if Pakhi shares it on social media, and Anuj would kick them out. Adhik defends his actions, claiming Pakhi was previously interfering in his personal space and now in his professional space. Barkha advises him to apologize to Pakhi, but Adhik refuses and leaves, leaving Barkha frustrated with the situation.

Back at the Shah house, everyone becomes worried as they learn that Anupama hasn’t reached the Kapadia house yet. Kinjal assures them that Anupama will first visit the temple before arriving at the Kapadia house. Anuj enters the Kapadia house and his face lights up with joy upon seeing Anupama. The song “Bini Tere Sanam Mar Mitenge Hum” plays in the background as they share a heartfelt moment. Little Anu runs to Anupama, calling her “mummy,” and Anupama lovingly embraces her. Little Anu presents Anupama with a handwritten note as a gift. Pakhi, wanting to shield Anupama from Adhik’s behavior, hugs her tightly and sheds tears. Ankush signals Barkha to find out what happened, but she indicates that she doesn’t know. Pakhi explains her tears as being moved by Anupama’s letter. Anupama asks about Adhik’s whereabouts, and Pakhi mentions he is busy with office work.

Bhavesh and Kanta enter, surprising Anupama. They explain that it was Anuj’s idea to surprise her. Ankush suggests that Anuj should perform Anupama’s aarti now. Pakhi captures the moment in photos and sends them to the Shahs. Vanraj informs everyone that Anupama has reached the Kapadia mansion. They notice Maaya’s absence in the pictures and hope she stays away from Anupama. Just as Anuj is about to perform Anupama’s aarti, Maaya interrupts and throws it away while shouting at Anupama. Anuj warns Maaya to be quiet. Maaya confronts him with some papers, questioning their significance. She accuses him of being infatuated with Anupama and reminds him that he had left Anupama to be with her not too long ago. Anuj admits that leaving Anupama was his biggest mistake and considers Maaya to be his biggest mistake and curse. Maaya continues to berate Anupama, labeling her a fraud. Kanta and Bhavesh warn Maaya to stay away from Anupama, but the drama persists.

Precap: Maaya discloses that Anuj is going to the USA with Anupama and cruelly asks why Anupama doesn’t just die. She purposely crashes her car into Anupama, attempting to kill her.


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